Earth - also known to some races as Terra or Sol-3, is the home planet of Humans. Other sentient with terrestrial origins include Silurians, Sea Devils, "fairies" and, in an alternate futures, Haemovores and Cybermen. Frequently a target for alien invasions. Earth is first seen in An Unearthly Child and many times thereafter.
Eden - A dark, hostile jungle world seen in Nightmare of Eden. It is the native planet of The Mandrels. It has an orange atmosphere and is constantly bathed in orange twilight (possibly due to an orange sun or suns). Native plant life includes meat-eating plants, which are also seen in Nightmare Of Eden, when one attacks The Doctor.
Ephte Major - Home planet of the avaricious, slug-like Ephtes, seen in the Doctor Who Monthly comic strip "Profits of Doom."
Enlandia - A planet mentioned in The Ark In Space. It is a planet entirely covered by water.
Epsilon Four Zero Gamma - A planet mentioned in the story called The Dominators.
Esto - A planet mentioned in the story The Sensorites.
Eudamus - A planet mentioned in the Seventh Doctor story The Greatest Show in the Galaxy.
Exarius - A planet visited in the story Colony in Space, also spelt Uxaerius.
Exxilon is the planet on which the Third Doctor encounters the Daleks in Death to the Daleks. According to the Doctor, the Great City of the Exxilons is one of the 700 Wonders of the Universe (after its destruction, he sadly says that the universe has now been reduced to 699 wonders). It is also the origin of a spaceship that crashed in Mexico in the Virgin New Adventures novel The Left-Handed Hummingbird.
Eye of Orion - The wet, tranquil planet visited by the Fifth Doctor at the beginning of The Five Doctors. It is a planet constantly bombarded by positive energy and is believed (at least by the Doctor) to be one of the most beautiful and peaceful planets in the cosmos. Ruins on the planet suggest that it once had (or still does have) a civilization. According to Martha Jones' blog after the last Time War (in which Gallifrey and all the Time Lords have been destroyed) a shrine was built on this planet in memorial to that war.
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