Planet Files


Oberon - A planet mentioned in Revelation of the Daleks.
Oblivion - The homeworld of the Eighth Doctor's companion Destrii. The planet appeared in the DWM comic strip of the same name (DWM #323-#328).
Ockora - The homeworld of the Selachians. The native Ockorans were hunted by beings from Kalaya, and surgically altered themselves to become a warrior race known as the Selachians. Ockora was destroyed by a G-bomb in The Final Sanction.
Ogron planet (unnamed) - A huge gray ball many light years away from the central spaceways, is the homeworld of the Ogrons and is the setting for the last two episodes of Frontier in Space. In Fourth Doctor Virgin Missing Adventures book The Romance of Crime, it is named Braah. The human designation for the planet is Orestes, according to the novel So Vile a Sin; it is said to be a moon of the gas giant Clytemnestra, in the Agamemnon system.
Ogros - A planet of Tau Ceti notable for its amino acid swamps. The Ogri originate from Ogros. Mentioned though not seen in 'The Stones of Blood'.
Olympus - A planet visited in the Doctor Who Monthly comic strip "The Life Bringer," home to a race who seemed to be the gods of Greek myth.
Ood-Sphere - The homeworld of the Ood in the episode 'Planet of the Ood'. It is a barren, icy planet with vast mountains and caves. A couple moons and a grayish-pink colored ringed planet can also be seen in its skyline. It lies close to the Sense-Sphere (and are possibly in the same star system).
Omphalos - One of the ten planets that had its entire population stolen - bar one person - in IDW's Doctor Who comic series.
Oseidon - The home planet of the Kraals, who were behind The Android Invasion.
Oskerion - Varan Tak, eponymous character of the Doctor Who Monthly comic strip "The Collector" was from Oskerion.
Othrys - A planet from 'The Greatest Show in the Galaxy'.
Overod - A planet from 'The Greatest Show in the Galaxy'.


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